7 Reasons to volunteer on an industry committee

Volunteering on the committee of a professional industry organization offers numerous benefits. This rewarding experience allows individuals to actively contribute to their field and make a meaningful impact. Here are some key advantages of volunteering on such a committee:

  1. Professional Networking: Joining a committee exposes you to a network of like-minded professionals in your industry. You have the opportunity to interact with experienced individuals, establish connections, and build relationships. These connections can lead to valuable collaborations, mentorship opportunities, and career advancements.

  2. Skill Development: Volunteering on a committee allows you to enhance and develop a wide range of skills. Whether it's leadership, teamwork, communication, event planning, or project management, you'll have ample opportunities to strengthen these skills in a practical setting. The experience gained through committee work can greatly benefit your professional growth and make you more marketable in your field.

  3. Industry Knowledge and Insights: Being part of a professional industry organization committee provides firsthand exposure to the latest trends, developments, and challenges within your field. You'll have access to industry-specific information, research, and resources that can broaden your knowledge and keep you updated on relevant topics. This insight can give you a competitive edge and help you stay ahead in your career.

  4. Influence and Impact: Volunteering on a committee empowers you to shape the direction and activities of the organization. You can contribute your ideas, expertise, and perspectives to influence decision-making processes, program development, and policy changes. By actively participating in discussions and initiatives, you can make a positive impact on your industry and contribute to its growth and success.

  5. Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Volunteering is a meaningful way to give back to your professional community and make a difference. It provides a sense of fulfillment, knowing that you're actively contributing to the advancement of your field. Additionally, committee work often exposes you to diverse perspectives and challenges, fostering personal growth, empathy, and a broader worldview.

  6. Recognition and Professional Reputation: Serving on a committee demonstrates your commitment to your profession and showcases your willingness to go above and beyond. It can help enhance your professional reputation and increase your visibility within the industry. This recognition can lead to new opportunities, such as speaking engagements, invitations to industry events, and even career advancements.

  7. Access to Resources and Benefits: Many professional industry organizations offer their committee members exclusive benefits and resources. These can include access to research publications, discounts on conferences and workshops, training opportunities, and exposure to industry influencers. These additional perks can enhance your professional development and provide valuable resources for your career.

Volunteering on the committee of a professional industry organization is a win-win situation. It not only benefits your professional growth but also allows you to actively contribute to your field, network with industry leaders, and make a positive impact on your professional community. Consider getting involved and reap the rewards that come with this enriching experience.

About SMPS-NY:

SMPS New York welcomes you into our community, a friendly space with a wealth of resources to help you enhance your career. We have countless resources to help our members propel themselves, their teams, their firms, and the industry to new heights.  Get to know us better by visiting our website at smpsny.org and following us on social media.


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