Reasons joining a Board of Directors is the right move

Joining a board of directors can be highly fulfilling and beneficial for both professional and personal development. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Leadership Development: Serving on a board of directors provides an opportunity to develop and enhance leadership skills. Board members are involved in strategic decision-making, setting organizational goals, and providing guidance to the organization. This experience helps individuals cultivate their leadership abilities, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

  2. Expanded Networks: Board positions often involve interacting with a diverse group of professionals, including fellow board members, executives, stakeholders, and community leaders. These connections expand your professional network and provide valuable opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge-sharing. Building relationships with influential individuals can open doors to new career prospects and personal growth.

  3. Broadened Perspective: Joining a board exposes individuals to different viewpoints, experiences, and expertise. Board members come from various backgrounds and industries, bringing unique perspectives to discussions and decision-making. This exposure broadens your understanding of complex issues, improves your ability to think critically, and challenges your own assumptions. It also fosters cultural competence and empathy as you work with people from diverse backgrounds.

  4. Strategic Thinking and Governance Skills: Serving on a board helps develop strategic thinking skills. Board members are responsible for long-term planning, setting organizational direction, and overseeing the implementation of strategies. This experience hones your ability to assess risks, identify opportunities, and make decisions aligned with the organization's mission and goals. Additionally, you gain a deeper understanding of governance principles, compliance, and ethical considerations.

  5. Enhanced Professional Reputation: Board membership is often associated with credibility, expertise, and a commitment to the organization's mission. Being affiliated with a respected board can enhance your professional reputation and increase your visibility within your industry. It can lead to speaking engagements, invitations to industry events, and other opportunities that can advance your career.

  6. Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Joining a board allows you to make a tangible impact on the organization's success and the community it serves. Contributing your time, skills, and expertise to a cause you believe in can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Board service also exposes you to new challenges and opportunities for personal growth. It pushes you to learn, adapt, and stretch beyond your comfort zone.

  7. Lifelong Learning: Serving on a board offers continuous learning opportunities. Boards often provide training and development programs for their members, enabling them to stay updated on best practices, industry trends, and governance standards. Engaging in ongoing learning keeps your skills sharp, expands your knowledge base, and positions you as a lifelong learner in your professional journey.

Joining a board of directors is a significant commitment, but it offers numerous rewards. It provides a platform for professional growth, leadership development, expanded networks, and a chance to make a meaningful impact. Moreover, board service fosters personal fulfillment, broadens perspectives, and cultivates lifelong learning habits. Consider the opportunities that board membership presents and how it can contribute to your overall development.

I currently serve on the executive committee of SMPS-NY as VP- President Elect. Our Board of Directors is comprised of marketing and business professionals from all aspects of the A/E/C industries. They represent large and small firms, marketing consultants, seasoned professionals across New York and New Jersey.

About SMPS-NY:

SMPS New York welcomes you into our community, a friendly space with a wealth of resources to help you enhance your career. We have countless resources to help our members propel themselves, their teams, their firms, and the industry to new heights.  Get to know us better by visiting our website at and following us on social media.


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