What does it take to be a good leader?

While the following is not an exhaustive list, these skills are examples of what makes an effective leader.

Ability to mentor and teach: One of the most important things for a leader to do is mentor and teach employees and help them develop their professional skills.

Ability to give and receive feedback: People look to leaders for guidance, so it’s critical to be able to provide feedback to employees for their development and for you to be able to receive feedback from others.

Communication: A leader needs to communicate effectively and clearly with stakeholders, employees, and all involved teams.

Decisiveness: Leaders must be able to confidently and decisively make informed decisions on critical business matters.

Flexibility: Things can change quickly for a business, and leaders must be flexible and able to face changes in the market, employee turnover, etc. Being able to think strategically is a skill that strongly relates to being flexible.

Motivation: Leaders must be self-motivated when it comes to hitting targets and performing their job duties. You also must motivate your teams and help them feel empowered and able to achieve business goals.

Reliability: People look up to leaders, so they must be reliable. Your teams want to know and trust that you’re giving them the tools they need to succeed, and higher-ups want to trust that you will meet the goals set out for you.

Strategic thinking: Leaders must be strategic thinkers who can understand business goals and develop processes specifically to help meet them.


Strong leaders ensure that employees are equipped with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and they unify teams to create an inclusive culture.


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